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2020 UIA HYP CUP Honor Award

“Mysterious City” is a mystery to us. The current situation of the city is a mystery. The production, life, and psychological desire of people in the city are a mystery. The future development of the city and people’s lifestyle is a mystery. The concept of “future respiration” is a direction we are trying to explore the future of urban development. In the beginning, we looked for the existing problems in the city and finally decided on the heat island effect and the greenhouse effect. We soon thought of plants. Secondly, combined with the people’s longing and yearning for nature in the city, we thought of shaping a subject as a subject. In the city of plants, the space needed for people’s activities is related to plants and even formed by plants.

Will we pay attention to the street trees and landscape trees around us? almost not. When plants are gradually not perceivable by urban residents, and the space attached to plants is no longer a necessary place in the life of urban citizens, it is not difficult to find that the interaction between urban people and plants is decreasing, and the bond between people and nature becomes weaker.

Our forest city also gives another answer to the symbiosis of city and nature. It is a possibility we provide for urban development. It has universal significance and is also an ideal model for the harmonious coexistence of man and nature in the future.

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2020 UIA HYP CUP Honor Award – Boundary Unseen

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