urban vision of the future of a neighborhood

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We don’t want to make Milbertshofen new, we want to keep it going! Milbertshofen is located about 5 km north of Munich’s old town and is framed by very busy roads. The Mittlerer Ring acts as a barrier to the city center, especially due to its traffic. In order to be able to guarantee meeting places on pedestrian level, we need spaces that are versatile in their use and can flexibly respond to the needs of the residents. The following three locations will be activated to make Milbertshofen more livable and resilient. Curt-Mezger-Platz will be spatially restructured through the expansion of the Kulturhaus and the student dormitory and can promote more participation in the neighborhood through the new composition of the building structures. On the former asphalted Rewe parking lot on Petuelring, a large building complex with residential, commercial and services for everyday needs is being created. Thanks to its size, the building has a high density and is versatile in its range of uses. In addition, the new building marks the entrance to Milbertshofen. The former green space at Korbinianplatz will be transformed into a lively space that can offer consumption-free and active stay. Above it on an elevated structure, there will be affordable and modular housing. On the first floor, there will be space for communication, movement and knowledge. In addition, the open spaces created on the first floor are not structurally fixed, but can be filled further as well as differently in the future. Above all, there will be car-sharing offers that can be reached from any location in Milbertshofen within 5 minutes walking distance. The bicycle lanes marked on the site plan will take up more of the street cross-section and be better connected. This is intended to create a basis for doing without one’s own car in the future and to appreciate the first floor as a common good.


The building complex is connected to Curt-Mezger-Platz by the landscaped Nietzschestraße. This is spatially enclosed by new structures for the Kulturhaus and for student housing. The ensemble creates more space full of diversity and liveliness around the clock. A covered marketplace will provide opportunities for outdoor events and more frequent markets. In order to expand the cultural aspect and use, studios, a library and workshops were included, creating new meeting spaces.

Korbinianplatz has the potential for redensification. The building should offer residents more quality of stay on the first floor level. The space is accessible to everyone and can be used in a variety of ways. Modular housing with common areas will be created on an elevated structure. The current park is not considered a green oasis, but rather a green space between two heavily parked streets The newly created living space with a depth of approximately 24m stands on pilotis, thus creating living space, preserving the green common area and expanding it with additional sports facilities such as climbing.

The planned Kiezhaus-Korbi is intended to combine sustainable measures to make Milbertshofen more livable in the long term and to ensure good community coexistence. Aspects such as sharing offers, ecological construction, integration of residents living nearby and green spaces round off the Kiez. Moving on with the city together …

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