City Park & Cultural Center Competition

3 mn read

“The relationships created by the movement,
Spaces created by relationships”

The environmental-social identity that makes up the city and the urban movement created by all the sub-components of this identity form the backbone of the park’s design approach.

The park has been handled as a metaphor of movement for the city; It has been conveyed with a developing relationship on the reflection-scattering of internal and external perspectives.

As a result of the development and transformation of the structural and vegetative landscape layers within each other, an undeniable relationship network has been established between the spaces. Developing relations created the spatial organization by creating the settlement of architectural masses, the bond it established with the landscape and its scenario.

The current demographic structure of the city, the built environment features and the changes and requirements that may occur in the character of the city through the existing university are taken into consideration.

With the environmental analyzes starting from the upper scale, the details that will affect the lower scale decisions are determined and a design is designed in which the communication between the scales is revealed.

The existing space creates a new identity foundation with the reflections of the surrounding spaces it interacts with and is reshaped with the identity of the city park. Under the influence of this new self, all the reflections of the surrounding spaces and relations on the area begin to scatter during the design process. These scatterings create functions, spaces and different volumes that appeal to various types of users. The volumes are the main carriers of historical memory and cultural infrastructure. The spaces formed as a result of scattering, on the other hand, enable a movement, life and vitality through axes, circulations and spatial bonds. The area that stratifies, accumulates and proves its own identity through space emerges as an urban park by the combination of all these contexts.

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City Park & Cultural Center Competition

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