Hanyang 1890

3 mn read

The project is located in the west wing of Qintai Central Art District in Hanyang, which is the artistic ribbon where the two rivers meet. The northeast side of the base is adjacent to Zhangzhidong Park, Moon Lake scenic area and Han River, ensuring the maximum value of the surrounding landscape. Localization to the core of the cultural business development potential, with steel image culture, with the owner itself to the development of strength and han steel industrial site of cultural heritage as the backing, in the leisure culture, tourism development, the function such as ecological living as the leading factor, to build “Mosaic” landmark cultural life, to create the future qintai art district central culture formation. Our design of the entire 1890 area is based on the long-term development, in a human-centered and sustainable tone, creating a landscape context that experiences the historical mark.

n the 1890 landscape planning, we follow the following principles: 1. Preservation of the original industrial architectural style and landscape bearing the 1890 steel memory and rejuvenation of the central functions of the city; 2. 2. To encourage the development of art-related USES to further highlight regional themes that link natural, healthy communities and creative Renaissance life; 3. Pedestrian-oriented coherent blocks, improve regional traffic layout, improve identification and accessibility; 4. New city parks that attract tourist spending; 5. Flexible and diverse activity scenarios and cutting-edge ideas for sustainable development. The plan meets the needs of multiple stakeholders and promotes the economic transformation and development of the region through long-term strategies such as creating jobs, expanding income sources and increasing land value. It also demonstrates how historic buildings can become a cultural park of global interest through “adaptive reuse”.

We emphasize the importance of brand building and respecting the site. Through in-depth study of domestic and foreign cases and the creators’ own understanding of similar projects, we hope to create a sustainable development block landscape with independent profit as the operating mode. We use the remains of the site structures in combination with the site functions to create a more rich functional interaction scene. By means of landscape, we have gradually transformed the area from an abandoned industrial site into an important cultural and artistic site in the future.

Project Credit

YIHE Design


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